

Integrate Algolia DocSearchopen in new window into VuePress, which can provide search to your documentation site.


Default theme will add DocSearch to the navbar once you configure this plugin correctly.

This plugin may not be used directly in other themes, so you'd better refer to the documentation of your theme for more details.


npm i -D @vuepress/plugin-docsearch@next
import { docsearchPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-docsearch'

export default {
  plugins: [
      // options

Get Search Index

You need to submit the URL of your siteopen in new window to join the DocSearch program. The DocSearch team will send apiKey and indexName to your email once the index is generated. Then you can configure this plugin to enable DocSearch in VuePress.

Alternatively, you can run your own crawleropen in new window to generate the index, and then use your own appId, apiKey and indexName to configure this plugin.

Official crawler config
new Crawler({
  appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  rateLimit: 8,
  startUrls: [
    // These are urls which algolia start to craw
    // If your site is divided in to mutiple parts,
    // you may want to set mutiple entry links
  sitemaps: [
    // if you are using sitemap plugins (e.g.: vuepress-plugin-sitemap2), you may provide one
  ignoreCanonicalTo: false,
  exclusionPatterns: [
    // You can use this to stop algolia crawing some paths
  discoveryPatterns: [
    // These are urls which algolia looking for,
  // Crawler schedule, set it according to your docs update frequency
  schedule: 'at 02:00 every 1 day',
  actions: [
    // you may have mutiple actions, especially when you are deploying mutiple docs under one domain
      // name the index with name you like
      indexName: 'YOUR_INDEX_NAME',
      // paths where the index take effect
      pathsToMatch: ['https://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL/**'],
      // controls how algolia extracts records from your site
      recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
        // options for @vuepress/theme-default
        return helpers.docsearch({
          recordProps: {
            lvl0: {
              selectors: '',
              defaultValue: 'Documentation',
            lvl1: '.theme-default-content h1',
            lvl2: '.theme-default-content h2',
            lvl3: '.theme-default-content h3',
            lvl4: '.theme-default-content h4',
            lvl5: '.theme-default-content h5',
            lvl6: '.theme-default-content h6',
            content: '.theme-default-content p, .theme-default-content li',
          indexHeadings: true,
  initialIndexSettings: {
    // controls how index are initialized
    // only has effects before index are initialize
    // you may need to delete your index and recraw after modification
      attributesForFaceting: ['type', 'lang'],
      attributesToRetrieve: ['hierarchy', 'content', 'anchor', 'url'],
      attributesToHighlight: ['hierarchy', 'hierarchy_camel', 'content'],
      attributesToSnippet: ['content:10'],
      camelCaseAttributes: ['hierarchy', 'hierarchy_radio', 'content'],
      searchableAttributes: [
      distinct: true,
      attributeForDistinct: 'url',
      customRanking: [
      ranking: [
      highlightPreTag: '<span class="algolia-docsearch-suggestion--highlight">',
      highlightPostTag: '</span>',
      minWordSizefor1Typo: 3,
      minWordSizefor2Typos: 7,
      allowTyposOnNumericTokens: false,
      minProximity: 1,
      ignorePlurals: true,
      advancedSyntax: true,
      attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity: true,
      removeWordsIfNoResults: 'allOptional',



The above recordProps is the configuration used for the default theme. You can modify them according to the theme you are using.

Notice that the initialIndexSettings.YOUR_INDEX_NAME.attributesForFaceting fields must include 'lang' to make this plugin work properly.


If you are not using default theme, or you meet any problems when using docsearch, you can also check the above example crawler config, and ahead to Algolia Crawleropen in new window, and edit your config with 'Editor' panel in project sidebar.











  • Type: Record<string, DocsearchPluginOptions>

  • Details:

    Options of this plugin in different locales.

    All other options of this plugin are acceptable in locale config.

  • Example:

export default {
  plugins: [
      appId: '<APP_ID>',
      apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
      indexName: '<INDEX_NAME>',
      locales: {
        '/': {
          placeholder: 'Search Documentation',
          translations: {
            button: {
              buttonText: 'Search Documentation',
        '/zh/': {
          placeholder: '搜索文档',
          translations: {
            button: {
              buttonText: '搜索文档',


  • Type: string

  • Default: base

  • Details:

    The base path of the search index.

    If you are deploying your site to multiple domains, you don't need to submit all of them to DocSearch and generate search index separately. You could choose one of the domains as the index domain, and only submit the index domain to Docsearch for crawling search index. Then, you could reuse the search index across all deployments.

    However, if the base of your deployments are different for different domains, you need to set the option to the base of your index domain, so that other deployments could reuse the search index correctly.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

  • Details:

    Whether to inject the default styles of DocSearch or not.

    If you think the default styles of DocSearch is not compatible with your site, you can try to override the default styles, or set this option to false to totally exclude the default styles.

    When this option is disabled, you need to import your own styles for DocSearch. Also notice that all styles customization in Styles section would be unavailable.


You can customize styles via CSS variables that provided by @docsearch/cssopen in new window:

:root {
  --docsearch-primary-color: rgb(84, 104, 255);
  --docsearch-text-color: rgb(28, 30, 33);
  --docsearch-spacing: 12px;
  --docsearch-icon-stroke-width: 1.4;
  --docsearch-highlight-color: var(--docsearch-primary-color);
  --docsearch-muted-color: rgb(150, 159, 175);
  --docsearch-container-background: rgba(101, 108, 133, 0.8);
  --docsearch-logo-color: rgba(84, 104, 255);

  /* modal */
  --docsearch-modal-width: 560px;
  --docsearch-modal-height: 600px;
  --docsearch-modal-background: rgb(245, 246, 247);
  --docsearch-modal-shadow: inset 1px 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5), 0 3px
      8px 0 rgba(85, 90, 100, 1);

  /* searchbox */
  --docsearch-searchbox-height: 56px;
  --docsearch-searchbox-background: rgb(235, 237, 240);
  --docsearch-searchbox-focus-background: #fff;
  --docsearch-searchbox-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px var(--docsearch-primary-color);

  /* hit */
  --docsearch-hit-height: 56px;
  --docsearch-hit-color: rgb(68, 73, 80);
  --docsearch-hit-active-color: #fff;
  --docsearch-hit-background: #fff;
  --docsearch-hit-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(212, 217, 225);

  /* key */
  --docsearch-key-gradient: linear-gradient(
    rgb(213, 219, 228) 0%,
    rgb(248, 248, 248) 100%
  --docsearch-key-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 rgb(205, 205, 230), inset 0 0 1px 1px
      #fff, 0 1px 2px 1px rgba(30, 35, 90, 0.4);

  /* footer */
  --docsearch-footer-height: 44px;
  --docsearch-footer-background: #fff;
  --docsearch-footer-shadow: 0 -1px 0 0 rgb(224, 227, 232), 0 -3px 6px 0 rgba(69, 98, 155, 0.12);



  • Details:

    This plugin will register a <Docsearch /> component globally, and you can use it without any props.

    Put this component to where you want to place the docsearch button. For example, default theme puts this component to the end of the navbar.


This component is mainly used for theme development. You don't need to use it directly in most cases.