

Provide local search to your documentation site.


Default theme will add search box to the navbar once you configure this plugin correctly.

This plugin may not be used directly in other themes, so you'd better refer to the documentation of your theme for more details.


npm i -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next
import { searchPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-search'

export default {
  plugins: [
      // options

Local Search Index

This plugin will generate search index from your pages locally, and load the search index file when users enter your site. In other words, this is a lightweight built-in search which does not require any external requests.

However, when your site has a large number of pages, the size of search index file would be very large, which could slow down the page loading speed. In this case, we recommend you to use a more professional solution - docsearch.



  • Type: Record<string, { placeholder: string }>

  • Details:

    The text of the search box in different locales.

    If this option is not specified, it will fallback to default text.

  • Example:

export default {
  plugins: [
      locales: {
        '/': {
          placeholder: 'Search',
        '/zh/': {
          placeholder: '搜索',


  • Type: (string | HotKeyOptions)[]
export interface HotKeyOptions {
     * Value of `event.key` to trigger the hot key
    key: string;
     * Whether to press `event.altKey` at the same time
     * @default false
    alt?: boolean;
     * Whether to press `event.ctrlKey` at the same time
     * @default false
    ctrl?: boolean;
     * Whether to press `event.shiftKey` at the same time
     * @default false
    shift?: boolean;
  • Default: ['s', '/']

  • Details:

    Specify the event.keyopen in new window of the hotkeys.

    When hotkeys are pressed, the search box input will be focused.

    Set to an empty array to disable hotkeys.


  • Type: number

  • Default: 5

  • Details:

    Specify the maximum number of search results.


  • Type: (page: Page) => boolean

  • Default: () => true

  • Details:

    A function to determine whether a page should be included in the search index.

    • Return true to include the page.
    • Return false to exclude the page.
  • Example:

export default {
  plugins: [
      // exclude the homepage
      isSearchable: (page) => page.path !== '/',


  • Type: (page: Page) => string[]

  • Default: () => []

  • Details:

    A function to add extra fields to the search index of a page.

    By default, this plugin will use page title and headers as the search index. This option could help you to add more searchable fields.

  • Example:

export default {
  plugins: [
      // allow searching the `tags` frontmatter
      getExtraFields: (page) => page.frontmatter.tags ?? [],


You can customize the style of the search box via CSS variables:

:root {
  --search-bg-color: #ffffff;
  --search-accent-color: #3eaf7c;
  --search-text-color: #2c3e50;
  --search-border-color: #eaecef;

  --search-item-text-color: #5d81a5;
  --search-item-focus-bg-color: #f3f4f5;

  --search-input-width: 8rem;
  --search-result-width: 20rem;


  • Details:

    This plugin will register a <SearchBox /> component globally, and you can use it without any props.

    Put this component to where you want to place the search box. For example, default theme puts this component to the end of the navbar.


This component is mainly used for theme development. You don't need to use it directly in most cases.